What Herbs and Spices are beneficial for my dog?

What Herbs and Spices are beneficial for my dog?

Herbs and Spices that are beneficial for Dogs

We know herbs and spices give flavor to our dishes and make gardens look pretty. But did you know they have tremendous benefits for you and your fur baby as well? A little look into my world with my dogs, sometimes we share a fork with food from my plate. This is how dinner plays out one bite for cinnamon, one for pebbles, and one for mommy. Gross but true. Do you do that as well? Are you known to feed scraps to your dog? In this post, you will find out which spices and herbs are beneficial for your dog; with this knowledge, you will be able to share food with your dog while keeping them safe.

 Aloe Vera works for dogs as it works for people. It has antibacterial and cooling properties. It aids in the healing of scrapes, minor burns, and irritation. Use this topically.

Basil contains properties that reduce oxidative stress. This herb also promotes heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. In addition, this herb boosts blood circulation. Furthermore, it has a calming effect, increases concentration levels, and decreases the probability of memory loss. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, which reduce the chances of getting inflammatory diseases.  

 Calendula Flower has antifungal and anti-inflammatory. It also is used to treat wounds, scrapes, and cuts. When using this, topically put the flower petals directly on the wound or brew some tea.

 Cannabis – CBD is therapeutic as it helps with acute and chronic ailments and pain management. It can be used for anxiety, stress, and calming an aggressive dog. It also can help with digestive issues.

 Catnip – It is a known fact that catnip is euphoric for cats. In dogs, it has incredible benefits as this doesn't react with their bodies to give them a euphoric state. In dogs, it can stimulate appetite. It is also known to calm nervous dogs and aids in restful sleep. The easiest way is to implement this in your dog's diet is through tea.

 Chamomile - Since this is calming for dogs, it can be used as a sedative in anxiety-ridden dogs. It also can be used as a muscle relaxant. In addition, it supports the healing of inflammatory gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers and IBS. To use it topically use as a tea for itchy and inflamed skin. You may also use the tea bag as a compress against the wound.

 Cinnamon prevents numerous risk factors associated with metabolic syndromes. IT also prevents degenerative diseases. This powerhouse spice can also strengthen your dog's bones. Lastly, it helps with chronic inflammation in the intestinal tract.

 Dandelion can is a health tonic for your fur baby. Specifically, this plant benefits liver function by stimulating bile production and increasing flow to the gallbladder. In addition, it is a strong diuretic and can be used to remove the accumulation of fluids in the body; it is also effective in treating UTIs. If your dog has a sluggish digestive system, this can help there. Lastly, dandelion improves teeth enamel.

 Dill is full of volatile oil constituents that combine to cause an anti-foaming action in the stomach. It is like tums to dogs. Due to these oils, dill also increases the production of cancer-fighting enzymes. It is antispasmodic and helps reduce flatulence. In addition, it also aids to tonify the liver pancreas. It also dissolves uric acid.

 Ginger – Like in humans, this spice is used for nausea in dogs. It also soothes the digestive tract to reduce nausea. It helps stimulate movement in the stomach, therefore, helping for bloat. Using ginger only helps in the early stages of bloat. If you notice that your dog's stomach is bloated, get them to the vet ASAP. Ginger is a carminative herb meaning it can help expel built-up gas. It also has anti-inflammatory properties and aids in chronic illnesses like arthritis.

 Mint is packed with nutritional value like Vitamin A and C and is an excellent source of fiber. It has antibacterial, antiviral, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. This herb contains rosmarinic acid, which relieves seasonal allergies; it also contains menthol, a natural decongestant that helps break up phlegm. It also calms and soothes an upset stomach and reduces gas. Avoid pennyroyal mint, as it is toxic to your dog and you.

 Parsley – Only use flat-leaf. Parsley helps with bad breath and prevents bacteria and other germs in their mouths due to its antimicrobial properties. The leaves also have antiseptic properties, which aid in treating UTIs and boosting kidney function, as it is a diuretic. Parley helps stimulate the kidneys to eliminate excess fluids in your dog's organs. Parsley is also a carminative herb, like ginger, and it helps strengthen intestinal muscles. Not only does it strengthen intestinal muscles, but it also strengthens the mucous membranes in the urinary tract. It is effective in treating colic, gas, and indigestion. Make parsley tea for your elderly babies as it helps strengthen the mucous membranes in the urinary tract. Lastly, if a bee stings your dog, mash a handful of parsley with a tiny bit of water. This remedy eliminates a small portion of the pain and neutralizes the poison.

 Sage has antimicrobial properties; therefore, it will aid in minor GI tract infections. It helps with pain and inflammation. It will boost your dog's memory. Like mint, sage has rosmarinic acid and can help manage seasonal allergies. Also, using it as a topical treats minor cuts injuries and stops bleeding.

Turmeric is an anti-inflammatory. Chronic inflammation is the root of nearly all diseases. These include but are not limited to cancer, arthritis, allergies, kidney disease, dental disease, and digestive disease. This spice also helps fight cancer. If your dog has arthritis, give them turmeric as it is an anti-inflammatory. It also can treat gastrointestinal issues. It can help treat IBS as well as other issues. A study published in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology shows that combining curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, with a steroid reduced the side effects of the steroid.

As you can tell, many spices and herbs are grown that can help your fur-baby feel better; you can find them in your pantry, which makes it easy for you.

These herbs and spices are a natural and holistic way to treat your dog's ailments. My dogs are on some of these because I have elderly sassy dogs. If only there were an herb or spice to turn down the sass in my house! Spice up your dog's life! Let us know if you tried any of these remedies and if they helped!

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