In the Den

Here at Little Fur + Me, products are produced that create experiences between you and your best friend. We know our fur babies do not live forever so we cherish every moment we get by being with them as much we possibly can. We want this for our customers too. We are their entire world and they want nothing more to be by our sides and some treats.

We are based in Austin, Texas. Our products are produced in Austin Texas, and we source from the USA. Little Fur + Me is a woman-run - crazy dog lady-run business technically, but I answer to my four-legged best friend, Cinnamon. She loves outings, pupcakes, puppacinos, car rides, and lazy days on the sofa being hand-fed treats, or as I call it “room service”. We want you to be able to have memories with your fur babies and enjoy them while we have them. They aren’t here for a long time but they are with you forever.


.“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” Anthony Douglas Williams